CIES has been a proud supporter of the Punjabi Language, Literature and Sikh Studies programs at UBC since 2012.
The support has allowed students like Jonathan Paradis attend Hindu College at the University of Delhi (July-December 2012) during his fourth year as an Arts student with a background in Asian Studies (South Asia) and a major in International Relations. His coursework included the following: Disaster Management, India’s Foreign Policy, Constitutional Democracy and Government in India and Urban Sociology.
There were also a few community engagement events held from 2012-2014, that allowed for dialogue and deeper engagement on topics that influence our society especially punjabi language, literature and sikhs.
Other highlights of the support are included here including a detailed letter outlining Jonathan’s experience is included here: Punjabi Language, Literature and Sikh Studies – Oct’13 – v1
Further information about the UBC Department of Asian Studies: Punjabi Language, Literature and Sikh Studies program can be found at